
Brewery and Country of Origin: ************* of *************

Date Reviewed: *************

Date Sampled: ************* At: *************
Beer Style: *************
Alcohol by Volume: *************%
Serving Type: ************, ************* Glass
Rating: *************

Add a home brew section. Nick Sinatra American ipa. Abv: unknown. 12oz bottle, 14oz Sam Adams glass. Very choppy pour with a lot if carbonation action. Medium high retention and a medium high density. Creamy texture and about an inch and a half. Unfiltered with a fairly bright glow. Fine sediment. Low lacing. Medium high strength aroma with some banana fruity notes and a somewhat prominent hoppy character. Medium slight roasted malt with a clove trail. Some slight citrus and sweet overall. Medium light bodied with a medium high amount of carbonation and an average viscosity. Fairly smooth overall with some crispness at the finish. Slightly dry finish. Mostly hoppy throughout, somewhat fruity overall profile with some slightly medium dark malt. Slightly fruity and Clive wheat like flavors. Secondary notes of citrysy hops. Lingering somewhat butter aftertaste.









Our Take
