
Brewery and Country of Origin: Tree House Brewing Company of 129 Sturbridge Road, Charlton, Massachusetts, 01507, USA

Date Reviewed: ************-18

Date Sampled: At: 39 Claymoss Road, Brighton, Boston, MA 02135, USA
Beer Style: American Porter
Alcohol by Volume: 7.40%
Serving Type: 16 oz Can, 16 oz Snifter Glass
Rating: 4.14

This beer pours moderately smoothly with a relatively low amount of carbonation action, producing a two thirds inch tall foam head with a dark tan/light brown color, a medium high density, a mostly creamy texture, and a low retention rate. This beer is very dark brown, almost black with a cloudy, unfiltered appearance that gives off a small amount of glow against bright light and no shine. This beer displays no settling, cascading, and very little effervescent effect. There is a low amount of lacing on the glass. This porter gives off a medium low strength aroma with a rich and robust deep roasted coffee and chocolate malt. The aroma is sweet overall with a small amount of trailing hops to balance. Biscuity, almost cookie like undertones are present. Despite being relatively weak, the aroma does help to enhance this beer's roasted malt flavors in the overall taste. This is a full bodied beer that comes with a low amount of carbonation action, a medium high weight, and an elevated amount of viscosity, making this a definite sipping beer more suitable for the warmer months. Despite this, Catharsis is pretty easy to drink with a somewhat refreshing feel, that contains very little alcohol bite and almost no warming effect. This is a smooth, slightly creamy beer that contains no added texture from any sediment and finishes light with a slight dry close and a short linger. As expected with any rich porter, this beer is bursting with a robust coffee, sweet espresso overtone that sets the foundation for a complex, dark malt oriented profile. Other primary flavors in this beer's bouquet include the usual suspects: semi sweet chocolate, sweet biscuit, some burnt toffee, and a bit of typical New England juicy hops to balance. There is no alcohol or metallic tinge, despite a somewhat above average alcohol content. This beer has a well balanced flavor profile overall with no specific overpowering notes, not even the roasted coffee.









Our Take
