Do what you love, love what you do.

Take a moment to think back to when you were a kid. The world was a much different place back then. You wanted to be an astronaut even though you had motion sickness. You had your sights set on becoming President, even if you weren't born in the United States. You were going to be the next Dale Earnhardt, even if you've never driven a real car. The word possible was just as irrelevant as the word impossible. Everything was possible, and there was no possibility of anything otherwise. But as your first broken leg, your first failing mark, your first rejection, your first sobering moments began to weigh on the once seemingly endless realm of dreams, the scope of what was possible began to shrink. And this may or may not have continued steadily to the day you read this intro to some beer reviews. Either way, words like feasible, prudent, realistic, and practical have shaped your world into an endless decision tree comprised of two options: the right way, and the wrong way. The right way is risk adverse, sticks with what it knows, and essentially has a predicable result. The wrong way, well, that's pretty much everything else.

Both choices produce good and bad results. Both choices produce happiness and regret. But no matter which you go with, each and every decision has culimated into the entity that is your existence at this very moment. Today, you may be lucky enough to have a job you love. But for most, work is just that: work. And to us, that's a great tragedy. As we all know, as precious as life is, it's quite limited. Regret is one of our own mind's greatest poisons because it robs us of the present. And no matter how dark things may be, no matter how much you don't like your job, no matter how seemingly impossible it may be to change, everything is still possible. Hard work, determination, perseverence, luck: all of these cliche things are what they are because together, they're the fool proof formula for success. Maybe your passion doesn't lie with accounting or logistics. Perhaps you were born to be a brewer? While we wouldn't recommend suddenly changing careers because you may be somewhat discontent with your current position in life, that doesn't mean you can't dabble with a hobby to start. So for those not fortunate to work for or start up their own brewery, there's homebrewing.

Many of the successful breweries we've rated beer from started life as a homebrewing exercise. And some of our friends engage in it as well. Fortunately, they've been kind enough to send us some of their synthesized passion for us to review. While these beers aren't made in mass quantities with the same resources or perhaps expertise as established breweries, they're equal in the love they have for good beer. Therefore, every homebrew we try will receive a full review which will be posted to this section of the website. And if you didn't know what our full reviews are, read on.

These are different than ratings in that they go in depth into a beer's individual qualities. These are broken down into four main parts: Aroma (smell), Look (color, clarity, foam, cloudiness, pour, etc.), feel (heavy, smooth, light, crisp, refreshing, carbonation levels, etc.), and of course, Taste (flavors, subtleties, hints, pronouncements, aftertastes, bitterness, sweetness, etc.). We are selective about which brewery derived beers we give a full review, but for homebrewers, we understand the time and committment it takes to bring us a bit of your life, so it won't matter what style, strength, or anything else the beer is, we'll give it the time.

From our Glossary: Homebrewing - The practice of brewing and packaging beer for the purpose of personal consumption, free distribution among family and friends, and entrance into amateur brewing competitions. Homebrewing is a growing recognized hobby in many parts of the western world, especially, after homebrewing restrictions were lifted in the UK in 1963, in 1972 within Australia, and in 1978 for most of the United States. Because of ATF related laws, an American homebrewer can't produce more than 100 gallons per adult (max 200 gallons for households), and they could be charged criminally if they attempt to sell any of their beer. The same restrictions about selling beer exist in most of the countries where homebrewing is made legal. Homebrewing applies to the brewing and overall production of beer, cider, mead, and wine. Many beer and wine hobby stores exist to supply homebrewers with the ingredients, equipment, and tools they need to produce beer on a personal hobby scale. Ideally, every style of beer can be reproduced in one's home, but certain techniques, access to supplies, and economies of scale make some styles easier and more cost effective to brew, especially for those on a budget and unfamiliar with the skills needed.

Do you have a homebrew you'd like us to give a full review? Send us an email at HERE!

Looking for our brewery made beer reviews? Go to our Featured Beers Page, where you will find all of our featured reviews on beers made by established breweries.

Featured homebrew review page dates are always shown as dates reviewed as opposed to dates sampled.

All Featured Homebrew Reviews

3-24-17 - Bobby McDonough's Boston Bound APA
Coming Soon - Jared Bartlett's Circled Wagons Fermentation Reed's Elixir
Coming Soon - Jorge Pio's Primeira
Coming Soon - Dean Mathieson's IPA
Coming Soon - Nick Sinatra's American IPA

For the purposes of this website, a Featured (or Full) review is an in depth look at a beer's full character profile. These reviews are written based on tasting and review notes, which are taken directly from the beer while it is being analyzed (enjoyed, really). These notes are then processed into a character profile which includes various aspects concerning four main categories of quality: Look, Aroma, Feel, and Taste. When reading these reviews, you'll often come across certain words like choppy, malty, lingering, full bodied, floral, aromatic, and so on. These and other descriptive adjectives are used to convey an objective and unbiased view inside the true quality of a particular beer. Beers are chosen for full review based on a wide set of criteria including overall reaction (perception of quality), satisfaction, lack of satisfaction (poor quality), belonging to a rare style, being produced for a limited time and/or by a unique/high quality brewery, or showing an elevated level of quirkiness... among other things. When a review is being written or notes are recorded, it is the duty of the reviewer to approach each and every beer with a standard level of unbiased fairness. A brewery, brand, or style should not, and does not establish any preconceived notions or predjudices which dictate how one thinks a beer will satisfy their senses. Reviews follow a standard formula from selecting a beer to be reviewed (and enjoyed, of course), all the way to the publishing of a final written online review, which usually includes background information about a brewery, beer knowledge, some history, or just a witty anecdote which the beer is somehow associated with. All beer reviews are written entirely in our own words and are not influenced by the reviews or words of other beer enthusiasts, sponsors, brewers, or critics. In this way, we can assure you that what you read on this website is an honest, original, and hopefully objective perspective about a beer that may be on your prospective "to try" list.